Dry Herb Vaporizers Are Revolutionizing Traditional Markets
Whenever the phrase “disruptive technology” occurs, most people are thinking about Amazon.com, and for good reason. According to information compiled at the Federal Reserve Economic Data, e-commerce currently makes up nearly 9% of all U.S. retail sales, and the trend is only growing. Amazon, of course, is the biggest catalyst for the transition to online shopping.
In turn, the traditional brick-and-mortar establishments have suffered badly under Amazon’s shadow. Many department stores, as well as individual brand-name retailers, are desperately attempting to build their own e-commerce channels to compete with Amazon. Usually, results are mixed. Traditional markets don’t have online acumen, and are slow to respond to consumer behavioral shifts.
Clearly, the digital realm is impacting their “analog” counterparts – and not to the traditionalists liking. But while we accept online shopping as a disruptive force in business, most people don’t view dry herb vaporizers in the same way.
That could be a big mistake. E-juice vape devices are all the rage, exploding into mainstream culture. Vape shops and vape bars are sprouting throughout the nation, while vaping conventions and competitions are attracting massive amounts of customers and investor dollars. Even the major conglomerates that once had an uncontested vise grip on the analog channel are seeing their market share ripped away.
Based on current sales trends for dry herb vaporizers, this subsector is poised to become a fiscal powerhouse. At major botanical shops, dry herb vapes and accessories revenues accounted for only single-digit allocations by the end of 2015. However, throughout 2016, dry herb vaporizers jumped firmly into double-digit territory.
Here are three reasons why “digital botanicals” are taking over the enthusiast market.
Cleaner Platform
Traditional botanical methods involve directly burning herbal materials with an open flame. While this produces a robust hit that many enthusiasts enjoy, they’re also paying a steep price. By combusting their choice flavors, these “botanists” are releasing a series of toxic chemicals known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH for short.
Unfortunately, PAH emissions cannot be avoided at all when combustion is the primary catalyst. Direct contact with a high heat source inevitably denatures the impacted compound, releasing a series of unwanted toxins. Some emissions, such as carbon monoxide (CO), can be lethal in large doses. However, frequent and consistent exposure can cause long-term problems as well.
In sharp contrast, dry herb vaporizers utilize heated air to vaporize the essential ingredients of the botanical without inducing combustion. The end result is that the vaper can draw from the purity of the botanical materials, without inhaling the common residuals of CO and associated PAHs.
Facilitates Aromatherapy
Sample a group of dry herb and e-juice vapers and they will most likely tell you that the chief reason why they “went digital” is because of the vaporizer’s cleaner delivery. As we mentioned above, the scientific data is overwhelming. Combustion of botanicals (or any substance) results in chemical denaturing, which results in harmful PAH emissions.
However, as the dry herb vaporizer becomes more popular and integrated within the broader enthusiast community, end-users will have increasingly varied reasons why they partake. Politically, the legalization movement invoked medicinal uses of botanicals, more commonly known as aromatherapy.
As a valid therapeutic measure, aromatherapy has scientific and medical backing. More importantly, dry herbs are 100% natural – something that big pharmaceutical companies cannot say about their products.
But up until the advent of the dry herb vaporizer, the method of inhaling botanicals was not conducive towards therapeutic ends. In order to achieve the full potential of botany, a cleaner methodology is necessary.
The dry herb vaporizer answered that call, and will likely continue to do so.
Investment Dollars
In any business sector, money is the ultimate decider. Dry herb vaporizer proponents can talk all they want about the benefits of vaping; at the end of the day, though, the adoption of the platform has to make economic sense. If such devices only served a small, unsustainable niche group, the entire dry herb vape manufacturing industry would fall apart.
Fortunately, botanical enthusiasts can breathe a sigh of relief. One of the hottest trends in the stock market today is initial public offerings of dry herb vaporizer manufacturers. Coupled with growing consumer popularity, societal acceptance, and advanced technologies, a botanical investment features a wide range of fundamentally advantageous attributes.
Of course, capital investments in any sector carry inherent risks, such as the entire loss of principal. The most critical takeaway from this development is not personal profitability, but rather, the growth potential of dry herb vape manufacturing.
As we alluded to earlier, no business can survive without healthy cash flow. Dry herb vaping as a whole is still nominally a small subsector in the enthusiast community. To continue making substantive gains, additional funds for advertising, marketing, and overall outreach will be required.
But as sentiment in the investment markets demonstrate, dry herb vaporizers have a bright future ahead.