Help Section
Nug Republic is committed to helping our valued customers with problems that you may be facing. Please consult this useful Help Section to assist you in alleviating some of the most common problems that occur. In the event that this section does not adequately address your particular issue or is otherwise unsuccessful in resolving your problem, please feel free to contact us during our normal business hours, and we will be delighted to help you to the best of our ability..
For Shipping-Related Problems, Please Visit The Shipping Page By Clicking HERE.
Order-Related Problems
PROBLEM: I Received My Package, But One or More of the Items Are Not What I ordered.
ANSWER: First, please allow us to offer our most sincere apology that you are experiencing this issue. Even the finest companies rely on humans to manage them. Nug Republic has numerous procedures in place to ensure the accuracy of packed orders prior to them being shipped. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we are certainly not immune to human error. We will do everything within our power to make sure that this problem is resolved for you as swiftly, easily, and conveniently for you as possible. We promise.

PROBLEM: I Received My Package, But There is an Item Missing from It.
ANSWER: Please allow us to deeply apologize for this error. We know how frustrating it is to receive your package, only to realize there is something missing. We have taken very costly and painstaking measure to ensure that all of the orders that leave our warehouse are correct, but unfortunately, we are not immune to human error. Rest assured that we will have this matter resolved for you as quickly and easily as possible.
*Please keep in mind that we take daily inventory to ensure our system is always 100% accurate. In addition, all of the packages are video recorded and photographed prior to them being shipped. Therefore, we will always be certain as to whether or not we in fact forgot to include an item in your package.
SOLUTION: To begin the resolution process, kindly send us an email that includes your name, order number, and the specific item that is missing from the package. At that point, we will then inspect our inventory and review the video of your order being packed to verify that we did in fact forget to include an item. Once confirmed, we will immediately send you out the missing item(s).
PROBLEM: I Placed an Order, But I did Not Receive an Order Confirmation Email.
ANSWER: We are so sorry that the automated order confirmation email did not reach you. The moment an order is placed, our system automatically generates an order confirmation, and sends it to the email address entered when the order was placed.
The majority of the time this occurs, it is due to one of two reasons: (1) You made a typo when you entered your email address; or (2) the order confirmation email was filtered to your spam folder.
SOLUTION: The very first thing to do in the event that you have not received your order confirmation email is to check your spam folder to see if it was filtered there. If you have already checked your spam folder and the confirmation email is not there, please send us an email alerting us as to this issue. Please make sure to include your name and email address used to place the order so that we can locate it for you. As soon as we receive your email, we will first cross-reference the accurate email address with the one entered when the order was placed and fix any typos that may exist. We will then immediately manually resend your order confirmation to you. If the email address is correct, we will simply resend the order confirmation email to you and call you to ensure that you have received it.
PROBLEM: I Placed An Order, But I Did Not Receive A Shipping Confirmation Email.
ANSWER: We’re so sorry that your automated shipping confirmation email did not reach you. As soon as an order is shipped, our system automatically generates a shipping confirmation email, which includes your tracking information, and sends it to the email address provided upon placing the order.
In rare instances that the automated shipping conformation email has not reached our customer, it is usually due to one of the following reasons: (1) During the checkout process, you may have made a minor typo when entering your email address; (2) the shipping confirmation email was flagged and filtered to your spam folder; or (3) the order has not yet been shipped.
SOLUTION: If your shipping confirmation email has not reached you, the first thing to do is note the time of day your order was placed. Orders placed by 12:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time) will be shipped out the same day. Your order will be processed, packaged, and shipped by 5:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time).
If your order was placed prior to the 12:00 PM (PST) deadline, and it is past 5:00 PM (PST), we kindly ask that you take a look through your spam folder to see if the email has been filtered there.
If the shipping confirmation email is not in your spam folder, or if you have recently emptied your spam folder, then the final step would be to send us an email. Please make sure that the email address and name used to place the order is included in the email so that we can locate your order. We will then cross-reference the correct email address against that which was entered when the order was placed, correct any error, and resend you the shipping confirmation email.
PROBLEM: I Am Trying to Place an Order, But I Received an Error Message.
ANSWER: We deeply apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing due to trouble processing your credit card. The majority of the time this occurs, we can easily and rapidly resolve the problem for you following the steps below.
SOLUTION: If you have received an error message during checkout, please note the specific error code to help us ascertain the exact problem. Below are the most common error messages, and solutions/explanations for each:
(1) “Your Billing Information Does Not Match Your Credit Card”
• This is the most common error message our customers receive. This error message is the result of the billing address that was entered not matching the address which is associated with your credit card. At the minimum, your zip code will have to match the zip code that is recorded with the credit card company being used. In the event that you have received this error message, and believe that you are in fact entering the correct address, please first contact your credit card company in order to ensure that they have the correct address. If your credit card company has confirmed that the address is correct and matches what you have entered, please send us an email describing the issue you are experiencing, and we will immediately contact our merchant bank to help remedy the problem for you..
• If you are using a gift card, you must first follow the instructions printed on the back of the card to enter an address that will be associated with the gift card. Some gift cards have a website you can visit, while others have a phone number you can call. Doing this will almost certainly resolve this problem for you, and will enable you to complete your purchase.
(2) “Unable to Verify Your Card ID Number”
• In the event that you have received this error message during checkout, it is due to the fact that the 3-digit security code on the back of your credit card does not match what is being entered upon checkout. All credit cards have this code, which is generally found on the back of your credit card adjacent to the signature strip. If you have confirmed that the numbers you are entering match what is printed on the credit card, please take a moment to contact your credit card company and explain the issue to them. If your credit card company is unable to help resolve this for you, please send us an email and we will contact our merchant bank to help remedy the issue for you.
(3) “You Have Tried This Card Too Many Times, Please Contact Merchant”
• As a security measure to battle fraud, most credit card companies will freeze your credit card after multiple unsuccessful attempts to use it. This is a temporary hold, and can be removed by contacting your bank. After asking you several security questions, they will then lift the hold, thereby permitting you to use the card
*If you have received an error message that is not listed here, please first contact your credit card company to see if they can shed some light as to why they are not allowing the transaction to go through. In the event that they are unable to resolve the problem for you, send us an email, which includes your full name and the specific error message you have received, and we will contact our merchant bank to help reach a resolution for you.

ANSWER: Please allow us to first sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. We know how frustrating it is to try placing an order, but it not going through. The vast majority of the time this occurs, we have a very simple solution to resolve the issue.
SOLUTION: In the event that you are attempting to place an order, but the transaction has been declined, please note the specific error message you have received so that we can better assist you. Below are the most common declined transaction messages, and solutions/explanations for each:
(1) “Invalid CVV2 Number”
*In the event that you are experiencing a declined transaction for reasons not detailed here, please first take a moment to contact your credit card company to see if they can remedy it for you on their end. If they are unable to assist you, please send us an email, which includes your full name and the error message you are receiving. We will then contact our merchant bank to help resolve the problem..
ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS: If you are experiencing any other issues that are not addressed in this section, please feel free to contact us so that we can help resolve it for you. If your problem is related to a defective product, please refer to our warranty section for more information. ion.
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