Vaporite Vaporizers produces quality vaporizers at an affordable price. While other manufacturers seemingly egged each other on with ever-soaring premiums, Vaporite focuses on the fundamentals. At the core of every successful business is the old but sustaining adage -- keep it simple.
Entering the vaping industry in 2005, Vaporite has over a decade's worth of expertise delivering quality vaporizers at a price reasonable to any enthusiast. The company focuses first and foremost on performance and functionality, eschewing grandiose fashion statements for a pure and unmitigated vaping experience.
Although Vaporite Vaporizers aren't going to necessarily pick up all the style awards, what they do specialize in is return on investment. You will simply not find a better value for your money than a Vaporite e-device. With only a few rare exceptions, the vast majority of the company's product portfolio features units under $100.
This makes Vaporite Vaporizers ideal platforms for novice vapers who are just entering the discipline. Furthermore, the renowned manufacturer offers a healthy selection of original parts and accessories. Like the vaporizers themselves, these parts are very reasonably priced, making it a moot point to choose inferior, third-party accessories.